Field trial results


24/25 season 

Eastern Counties Spaniel Society held their Novice AV trial on the 21.10.24 at Holkham Estate, Norfolk by kind permission of the Earl of Leicester. Thank you to head keeper Mark Fitzer and his team who helped the day go ahead without a hitch. Thank you to our judges Peter Avery and Ray Clark for giving up their day. Thank you to all the helpers. Also, thank you to our sponsors CSJ and Hortech Cleaning Equipment.


1st) Teybrook Farndale ( FT Ch Luthmoor Draco X Moonreed Needle of Teybrook) - R Goodings

2nd) Teybrook Wharfdale - Andy Waterhouse 

3rd) McRidgeness Mary - Mr M Readers 

GC - Greenfox Ekko - Mrs R Gyton 


Dawsonlee Samurai - Mr M Rivetts 

Greenfox Cappuccino - Mr A Gyton

Eastern Counties Spaniel Society held their Novice Cocker trial on the 31.10.24 at Butterfields Farm, Latchingdon by kind permission of L E Carr & Sons.  Thank you to Henry Carr and his team of guns who made sure the day went ahead without any hitches. Thank you to our judges Angelo LoCurto and Ray Clark for giving up their day.  Thank you to our helpers and to our sponsors CSJ, Hortech Cleaning Equipment and Coastal Nutrients.


1st) Heathcroft Candy (FTCH Heolybwlch Denman ex FTCH Helmsway Kate) - Emma White

2nd) Donnachaidh Boondreigh - John Robertson

3rd) Mallowdale Puma of Chinachgook - Julie Thatcher

GC - Flatfen Diamond Lady - Dean Cottingham


Greenfox Ekko - Rebecca Gyton

Greenfox Cappuccino - Andrew Gyton


Eastern Counties Spaniel Society held their Open Cocker trial on the 28.11.24 at Butterfields Farm, Latchingdon by kind permission of L E Carr & Sons.Thank you to Henry Carr and his team of guns who made sure the day went ahead without any hitches.Thank you to our judges Terri Siwek and Steve Newman for giving up their day.Thank you to our helpers and to our sponsors CSJ, Hortech Cleaning Equipment and Coastal Nutrients.


Following a 2 dog run off for 1st ….

1st) FTCH Heathcroft Flora (FTCH Rowston Spikey Aderyngi x FTCH Helmsway Kate) - Guy Stubbings

2nd) FTCH Craiwarn Tinkers Serenade - Natalie Cannon 

3rd) Kiltonbeck Nahar of Tomlinswood - James Elliot 

4th) Finnavale Florin - Victoria Gross


& GC Greenfox Cappuccino - Andrew Gyton

Eastern Counties Spaniel Society held their Open AV (exc Cockers) Spaniel trial on the 10.12.24 at Houghton Hall,  by kind permission of the Marquess of Cholmondeley. Thank you to Headkeeper Rob Hall and his team of guns who made sure the day went ahead without any hitches. Thank you to our judges Mark Watson and Julie Cracknell for giving up their day. Thank you to our helpers and to our sponsors CSJ, Hortech Cleaning Equipment and Coastal Nutrients.


After a 2 dog run off for 2nd and 3rd 

1st) Rokendame Amy (FTCH Chinachgook Reberto x Missymog Bunny) - Trevis Crothers
2nd) FTCH Shiveck Primat - Terri Siwek
3rd) Countemdown Snake Eye - Mark Light
4th & GC) Bowhill Babe - Jeff Earey

Rokendame Amy and Trevis Crothers also received the following awards:
Best Dog not a FTCH
Best Day's Shooting
Most Stylish

S Burman was awarded the trophy for Breeder of the winning dog

Eastern Counties Spaniel Society held their 5th trial of the season , a Novice AV trial on 11.1.25 January 2025 by kind permission of Mr Stuart Paul at Valley Farm, Wherstead. A big thank you to Mr Paul and his team of guns who shot well on the day. Thank you to our judges Natalie Cannon, Lenny Wingfield (celebrating his birthday with us), David Gosling and Brody Chequer for giving up their days. Thank you to our helpers and to our sponsors CSJ, Hortech Cleaning Equipment and Coastal Nutrients.


1st) Pippenmoor Fire Flower (Pendaran Calusa of Ammerdown ex Pippenmoor Firecracker) - Kelly Hill

2nd) Nossewej Javert - Tracey Jewesson-Newman

3rd) Marketgate Valley of Valaraukar - Lewis Cozens

4th & GC) Syncerus Sedition of Topcourt - Terry Steadman

Best Retrieve - Abbeymeadown Rocket - Emma Bennett

Eastern Counties Spaniel Society held their 6th and final trial of the 24/25 season , an All Aged AV trial on 14.1.25 by kind permission of Mr Edward Bailey at Shotesham Park, Norfolk. A big thank you to Mr Bailey and his headkeeper Mark Watson, who as usual ensured we all had a great day. The team of guns shot well, and our thanks go to them too.  Thank you to our judges Gerry Meehan, Paul Seaman, Ray Clark and Buzz Kennard for giving up their day. Thank you to our  helpers and  to our sponsors CSJ, Hortech Cleaning Equipment and Coastal Nutrients.


1st & Best Owner Trained & Handled) Souter Corralejo (Poolgreen Gust of Greenfox ex Souter Patience) - Brenda Atkins

2nd) Greenfox Cappuccino - Andrew Gyton

3rd) Heathcroft Carrie - Tom Veale

COM & GC - Roundgrove Cormac of Hedenham Park - Nick Clitheroe